Thursday, 19 July 2012

strawberry jam coloured glasses

I made jam yesterday. It was amazing. The smell of just-over-ripened strawberries filled the entire apartment, all the taste tests along the way, the sense of accomplishment when you see your hoard of beautiful, ruby jars of jam - everything about it was wonderful. Even the tedious and repetitive task of de-stemming strawberries was done with ease and enjoyment. I was in a jam making rhythm. I saw the world through strawberry jam coloured glasses. Why didn’t I make jam every day? I asked myself while stirring a vat of strawberries and sugar.  For a brief moment I envisioned myself as one of those organized, well dressed chefs on the Food Network that have all the ingredients perfectly diced, mashed, zested and measured out into those little tiny glass bowls - and they always have dishwashers.  (see Cutlery Drawer

Obviously I am not going to make jam every day - mostly because I don’t want the neighbourhood kids to start calling me ‘the crazy jam lady’ or to be known as the person who always gives jam as a gift. I also work, have a home to take care of, a wedding to plan, friends to see and all those other things that makes up life and takes up time. 
That’s when I realized what it was that I loved so much about making jam - I had made time for it. I made time to do something that I simply enjoyed doing. I could have bought strawberry jam at the grocery store or farmers’ market and it would have been just as delicious and much more time efficient, but that would not have brought me the calm and pleasure from making the jam nor the pride I take in its finished product. All because I took a little time. 
I vowed to do it more.
Today came with a vengeance - invitations to mail, calls to make, and more things to do than hours in the day. But my strawberry stained cuticles are my reminder to just make some time.  

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